Schedule of Classes
Fergeson Hall

Schedule Of Classes

Select Term to view Schedule

Fall 2023
Web Only Sections

Section#Meeting Times & LocationsSeatsEnrolled
ART1301Art AppreciationHours: 3
01W83810Durkin, Josephine4038
Meets 8/28/2023 through 12/15/2023
Web Based Class
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
02W82804Galuban, Beatriz4040
Meets 8/28/2023 through 12/15/2023
Web Based Class
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
0CW85292Ritchie, Katie2530
Meets 9/5/2023 through 10/20/2023
Web Based Class
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
CBE students ONLY
1CW85293Wallace, Renee2524
Meets 10/30/2023 through 12/15/2023
Web Based Class
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
CBE students ONLY
2CW88681Wallace, Renee2524
Meets 9/5/2023 through 10/20/2023
Web Based Class
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Advisor Approval Req
CBE Students ONLY
ARTS595Research Lit & TechniquesHours: 3
01W88587Galuban, Beatriz102
Meets 8/28/2023 through 12/15/2023
Web Based Class
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
PHO1301Photo AppreciationHours: 3
01W84931Merrill, Leigh4040
Meets 8/28/2023 through 12/15/2023
Web Based Class
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
PHO2356Intro to Digital MediaHours: 3
01W82889Phillips, Robert1818
Meets 8/28/2023 through 12/15/2023
Web Based Class
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
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