Texarkana Eagles Banner
Schedule of Classes
Spring 2020
Health Science
Online (Internet) Sections
Classes are subject to change at any time. Any course may be withdrawn from the current listing if the enrollment is too small to justify conducting the course or as a result of a reduction in funding.


Call #

Meeting Times & Locations
HSCI 1323Nutrition and Health         Hours: 3
    01W21377Web Based Class    Scroggins, Holly3029
Meets 1/21/2020 – 5/13/2020
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
    02W21803Web Based Class    Scroggins, Holly3016
Meets 1/21/2020 – 5/13/2020
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
HSCI 347Found of Health Care Ethics         Hours: 3
    01W21152Web Based Class    Galvan, Michael3025
Meets 1/21/2020 – 5/13/2020
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
HSCI 434Healthy Aging         Hours: 3
    01W21153Web Based Class    Galvan, Michael3013
Meets 1/21/2020 – 5/13/2020
Vita    Syllabus    Books/Materials
Prerequisites: Lvl UG HSCI 346 Min Grade D
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB