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Schedule of Classes
Spring 2021
General Business
Classes are subject to change at any time. Any course may be withdrawn from the current listing if the enrollment is too small to justify conducting the course or as a result of a reduction in funding.


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Meeting Times & Locations
BUSI 2301Business Law (EL)         Hours: 3
    00121120TR 9:30a-10:45a     Location: BASS 245    Norton, Fred1914
Meets 1/19/2021 – 5/5/2021
This course integrates the principles of experiential learning and meets the criteria for project-based work.
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE
GBUS 310Business Communications         Hours: 3
    00121446MW Noon-1:15p     Location: UC 248    Bynum, James1413
Meets 1/19/2021 – 5/5/2021
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE
GBUS 470Internship in Business         Hours: 3
    00120987Location: TBA     Stading, Gary102
Meets 1/19/2021 – 5/5/2021
Instructors Permission
Cross listed with GBUS 570 (22070)
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE
GBUS 570Internship in Business         Hours: 3
    00122070Location: TBA     Stading, Gary102
Meets 1/19/2021 – 5/5/2021
Instructors Permission
Cross listed with GBUS 470 (20987)
Campus: Main Campus (Texarkana, TX)
Instructional Method: FACE