Section | # | Meeting Times & Locations | Seats | Enrolled |
BSC | 2401 | Hum Anatomy/Physiology IHours: 0-4 | | |
01W | 41714 | Slovak, John Hours: 4 | 24 | 18 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
Requires enrollment in BSC 2401.1LW |
Cross listed with BSC 2401.CRW |
1LW | 40511 | Slovak, John | 24 | 18 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Books/Materials |
Requires Enrollment in BSC 2401.01W-CRN-41714 |
Cross listed with BSC 2401.CLW |
BSC | 335 | Wildlife Management IHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42086 | Kopachena, Jeffrey | 25 | 8 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
BSC | 337 | Field Methods in WildlifeHours: 4 | | |
01W | 41091 | Jones, Cindy | 25 | 9 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Books/Materials |
Cross listed with AG 337.01W-CRN 41781 |
Corequisites C: BSC 337L |
BSC | 337L | Field Meth in Wildlife & ConseHours: 0-4 | | |
01B | 41092 | Jones, Cindy | 25 | 9 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Tue, Thurs 9:00a-Noon Campus: Main Building: STC Room: 136 Vita Books/Materials Campus Map Directions to Campus |
Cross Listed with AG 337.01W-CRN 41784 |
Corequisites C: BSC 337 |
BSC | 405 | Wildlife InternshipHours: 1-6 | | |
01W | 42879 | Kopachena, Jeffrey Hours: 4 | 3 | 2 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Books/Materials |
BSC | 414 | Evolutionary BiologyHours: 3 | | |
01W | 40941 | Slovak, John | 30 | 15 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
Prerequisites: Lvl U BSC 201 Min Grade C or Lvl U BSC 301 Min Grade C |
BSC | 504 | BiostatisticsHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42758 | Schmidt, Bjorn | 25 | 13 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
BSC | 516 | Medical MicrobiologyHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42611 | Choi, DongWon | 25 | 17 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
BSC | 518 | ThesisHours: 3-6 | | |
01W | 42870 | Kopachena, Jeffrey Hours: 3 | 1 | 1 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Books/Materials |
02E | 42868 | Cheriyath, Venugopalan Hours: 3 | 1 | 1 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Campus: Main Building: TBA Room: Vita Books/Materials Campus Map Directions to Campus |
02W | 42912 | Reyna, Kelly Hours: 3 | 2 | 2 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Books/Materials |
03E | 42867 | Yesilyurt, Hunkar Hours: 3 | 1 | 1 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Campus: Main Building: TBA Room: Vita Books/Materials Campus Map Directions to Campus |
BSC | 519 | Gene RegulationHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42759 | Cheriyath, Venugopalan | 20 | 11 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
BSC | 537 | Behavior and ConservationHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42612 | Kopachena, Jeffrey | 25 | 16 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
Cross Listed with BSC 537 CRW |
BSC | 560 | Landscape EcologyHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42760 | Schmidt, Bjorn | 25 | 17 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
Cross Listed with BSC 560 CRW |
ENVS | 103 | Natural DisastersHours: 3 | | |
01W | 40188 | Khan, Naima | 35 | 27 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
ENVS | 1301 | Intro to Environmental SciHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42109 | Guo, Lin | 25 | 13 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
ENVS | 403 | Environmental Ethics LawHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42761 | Hull, Janet | 30 | 11 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
ENVS | 405 | Internship in Env. ScienceHours: 3 | | |
01E | 42675 | Guo, Lin | 1 | 1 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Campus: Main Building: TBA Room: Vita Books/Materials Campus Map Directions to Campus |
Instructor Approval Required |
ESCI | 461 | Earth Science for TeachersHours: 3 | | |
01W | 40126 | Gibbs, Kayla | 30 | 6 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
Prerequisites: Lvl U MATH 141 Min Grade C or Lvl U MATH 1314 Min Grade C |