Section | # | Meeting Times & Locations | Seats | Enrolled |
PSY | 205 | Applied Professional EthicsHours: 3 | | |
01W | 41079 | Lu, Shulan | 35 | 10 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
PSY | 300 | Lrng Processes & DevelopHours: 3 | | |
01W | 40037 | Tang, Shifang | 35 | 20 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
PSY | 301 | Understanding StatisticsHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42629 | Jiang, Mei | 35 | 16 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
PSY | 302 | Stats and Research IHours: 0-4 | | |
01W | 42044 | Carlson, Maria Hours: 4 | 40 | 32 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
Requires enrollment in Lab |
PSY 302.0LW - 42045 |
Prerequisites: Lvl U PSY 301 Min Grade C or Lvl U PSY 202 Min Grade C or Lvl U MATH 1342 Min Grade C |
0LW | 42045 | Ayers, Bailey | 40 | 32 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
Prerequisites: Lvl U PSY 301 Min Grade C or Lvl U PSY 202 Min Grade C or Lvl U MATH 1342 Min Grade C |
PSY | 310 | Psy/Soc of Diverse PopHours: 3 | | |
01W | 40576 | Carlson, Curt | 35 | 19 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
PSY | 322 | Lifespan DevelopmentHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42046 | Carlson, Curt | 35 | 27 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
PSY | 325 | Evolutionary PsychologyHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42622 | Tang, Shifang | 35 | 9 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
PSY | 507 | Pharmaco-therapyHours: 3 | | |
0XW | 42774 | Saunders, Kendra | 35 | 28 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 8/8/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
PSY | 518 | ThesisHours: 3-6 | | |
03X | 42827 | Carrero, Kelly Hours: 3 | 3 | 1 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 8/8/2024 Campus: Main Building: TBA Room: Vita Books/Materials Campus Map Directions to Campus |
Department Approval Req |
PSY | 527 | Social/Cltural Bases BehavHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42627 | Saunders, Kendra | 34 | 14 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
Cross listed with PSY 527.CRW |
PSY | 576 | Psy Assess Child & AdolHours: 3 | | |
0SW | 42194 | Saunders, Kendra | 35 | 11 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 8/8/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
This class will meet via Zoom at the regularly scheduled |
day and time of 9:30 AM- 12:30 PM, on Thursday. You must be |
able to meet synchronously with the entire class at this day |
and time. |
PSY | 595 | Research Lit & TechniquesHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42623 | Jiang, Mei | 35 | 32 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
Cross listed with SPED 595 CRN 42763 |
PSY | 621 | Advanced CognitionHours: 3 | | |
01P | 42620 | Lu, Shulan | 35 | 6 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 6/18/2024 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs 1:00p-5:00p Campus: Main Building: HEN Room: H206 Vita Syllabus Books/Materials Campus Map Directions to Campus |
PSY | 622 | Intro Theses DissertationsHours: 3 | | |
01P | 42628 | Pierce, Benton | 35 | 5 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 6/18/2024 Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs 8:00a-Noon Campus: Main Building: HEN Room: H206 Vita Syllabus Books/Materials Campus Map Directions to Campus |
Prerequisites: Lvl G PSY 612 Min Grade C |
PSY | 691 | Clinical Practicum PsychHours: 3 | | |
01X | 42050 | Richards, Shauna | 35 | 5 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 8/8/2024 Campus: Main Building: TBA Room: Vita Syllabus Books/Materials Campus Map Directions to Campus |
Department Approval Req |
PSY | 699 | Internship Clinical PsyHours: 3 | | |
01X | 41822 | Richards, Shauna | 35 | 9 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 8/8/2024 Campus: Main Building: TBA Room: Vita Syllabus Books/Materials Campus Map Directions to Campus |
Department Approval Req |
Prerequisites: Lvl G PSY 691 Min Grade B |
PSY | 718 | Doctoral DissertationHours: 3-12 | | |
01X | 42655 | Krueger, Lacy Hours: 3 | 5 | 1 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 8/8/2024 Campus: Main Building: TBA Room: Vita Books/Materials Campus Map Directions to Campus |
Department Approval Req |
03X | 42846 | Carrero, Kelly Hours: 6 | 3 | 2 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 8/8/2024 Campus: Main Building: TBA Room: Vita Books/Materials Campus Map Directions to Campus |
Department Approval Req |
SPED | 526 | Char Stud Mod/Sev DisabilitiesHours: 3 | | |
01W | 40391 | Jones, Beth | 35 | 7 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
SPED | 540 | Social Communication ImpairHours: 3 | | |
01W | 41515 | Meyer, Anabel | 35 | 11 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
SPED | 586 | Collab Transition DiverseHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42791 | Jones, Beth | 35 | 11 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
SPED | 595 | Research Lit & TechniquesHours: 3 | | |
01W | 42763 | Jiang, Mei | 35 | 1 |
Meets 6/3/2024 through 7/3/2024 Web Based Class Vita Syllabus Books/Materials |
Cross listed with PSY 595 CRN 42623 |