Texarkana Eagles Banner
Schedule of Classes
Summer 2022
Special Education
Online (internet)
Classes are subject to change at any time. Any course may be withdrawn from the current listing if the enrollment is too small to justify conducting the course or as a result of a reduction in funding.


Call #

Meeting Times & Locations
SPED 410Character of Diverse Learners         Hours: 3
    01W40050Web Based Class    Shidemantle, Debora3012
Meets 7/11/2022 – 8/11/2022
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
SPED 417Teach Sdnts Hi-Incidence Disa         Hours: 3
    01W40051Web Based Class    Mullins, Frank3019
Meets 7/11/2022 – 8/11/2022
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
SPED 541Assess & Intructional Planning         Hours: 3
    01W40053Web Based Class    Mullins, Frank306
Meets 7/11/2022 – 8/11/2022
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
SPED 548Inst Planning for Diagnostics         Hours: 3
    01W40054Web Based Class    Murdock, Janice308
Meets 6/6/2022 – 7/8/2022
Prerequisites: Lvl GR SPED 549 Min Grade C and Lvl GR SPED 547 Min Grade C
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB