Texarkana Eagles Banner
Schedule of Classes
Summer 2022
Online (internet)
Classes are subject to change at any time. Any course may be withdrawn from the current listing if the enrollment is too small to justify conducting the course or as a result of a reduction in funding.


Call #

Meeting Times & Locations
ED 403Curr for Teach Young Chldrn         Hours: 3
    01W40149Web Based Class    Cho, Eun-Ji2011
Meets 7/11/2022 – 8/11/2022
Cross listed with ED 503.01W (40141)
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
ED 503Curr for Teach Young Chldrn         Hours: 3
    01W40141Web Based Class    Cho, Eun-Ji202
Meets 7/11/2022 – 8/11/2022
Cross-listed with ED 403.01W (40149)
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
ED 506Clsrm Mgt and Bas Law for Tchr         Hours: 3
    01W40142Web Based Class    Foster, Melba309
Meets 6/6/2022 – 8/11/2022
course will meet by zoom.
Prerequisites: ACP Y
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
ED 508Introduction to Teaching         Hours: 3
    01W40143Web Based Class    Shidemantle, Debora309
Meets 6/6/2022 – 8/11/2022
course will meet by zoom.
Prerequisites: ACP Y
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
ED 530Hum Grwth & Develop for Educat         Hours: 3
    01W40144Web Based Class    Marvel, Aaron2014
Meets 7/11/2022 – 8/11/2022
Prerequisites: ACP Y
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
ED 547Evaluating Learning         Hours: 3
    01W40145Web Based Class    Womack, Mary207
Meets 7/11/2022 – 8/11/2022
Prerequisites: Lvl GR ED 520 Min Grade C and ACP Y
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB
ED 557Innov Lrn-Ctr Strat for Stu         Hours: 3
    01W40146Web Based Class    Rincon, Luz207
Meets 6/6/2022 – 7/8/2022
Cross-listed with ESL 457.01W (40148) Virtual meetings will take place on the following dates: Mondays, 6/6, 6/13, 6/20, 6/27 @ 6:00-7:45pm
Prerequisites: ACP Y
Campus: Online (Internet)
Instructional Method: WEB